Tuesday, December 30, 2008

15 More Days!

The days are really getting down there until the arrival of our new baby! Wow, its amazing how fast time goes when you get down to the very end! I think we're as ready as we're going to be though, so knowing that helps.
For those of you who plan on visiting us or are thinking on visiting. I'll give you a few details! We're going to be at Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital. That's the same hospital we were in when Kira was born. I get admitted EARLY Wednesday morning (Jan. 14th), and our c-section is set to begin at 7:15am. We welcome any visitors but please we ask that we have no visitors until 1pm on Wednesday. After that, we're open to whenever people want to stop up! We'd love visitors! Tom will be calling people after the delivery to let people know specific baby info. Our anticipated discharge date is Friday (Jan. 16th) sometime. If anyone has any other questions, just pop me an email.
We're currently battling a real big task with Kira. We've been trying to break her of her pacifier for quite some time now and it hasn't been working very well both because of us and her (we give into her too easy). Well, we're laying the smack down and cutting the pacifier out cold turkey! We're on day 2 and its going alright. It's been pretty tough, but Tom and I are staying strong and not giving in to her anymore. It's been really tough at nap time and at bed time. She cries quite a bit saying that she wants her "paci". I've read that it gets better but at this point, we're looking for it to get better...like...NOW. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! We're looking for ideas or if anyone has any previous experience with this and knows good tricks, please let me know! I'm sure it'll get better soon though, so that helps. We've read alot online from other parents that have had some of the same experiences and its gotten better after a few days for them, so lets hope for that! :-)
I hope you're all doing well! We're doing pretty well on the Marlin end. I have one of my last OB appointments tomorrow, so I'll be sure to keep everyone posted if anything exciting happens!
Hope you all have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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